- person Emi1ynn
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Please. Of course I think Demoncard deserves it.
vgw vghvgh
More like the angry drunk that is always battering his wife Demoncard.
Well I'm way too poor to afford photochop, so I've been using GIMP and the ones I've made thus far don't seem to bad (for a n00b like me). Do you know of any fix of the like for GIMP or where to start looking/what to search for? Most of the tribes stuff that I search for is just a long chain of broken links. :s
Wow, that looks much more promising than other Tribes projects that I've seen. I'm excited to see how it goes!
On the same topic, sort of, does anyone know where to get files to start making skins? I have a starter skin for players that I've been messing around with and making skins, but I haven't come across any stock weapons or vehicle skins that I can actually modify worth anything. They're all saved as pngs that I can't really…
TribesNext + Kryand. It's like LifetimeTV, but actually worth watching.
There's also other reasons to shoot yourself (even if you're not Demoncard). A good one that I can think of is if you have someone raping your base. If you're not going to survive very long in the fight (especially if mortars are being spammed) take a blaster to the chest once to use up your healthpack and THEN you can go…
Good to see more returning players like myself. You won't be alone in terms of getting your ass handed to you. I'm no stranger to getting destroyed, even in Goons Haven. If I'm not online, chances are Demoncard is, and he's likely getting his ass kicked somewhere, so you'll be in good company.
Porn. It's the only way.
AcydReign. All insignificant clans. Pub rat then and now. Play worse now than ever. Glad to be in some good company. ~Emi
Well, even if it has been posted in the past, it might be worth a little bump if it coincides with a new development like a patch or a redesign of the site or something else fairly noteworthy.
Has anyone thought of utilizing sites like fark.com or digg.com? Those sites have a HUGE user base that is extremely diverse. I feel like we have a shot at informing vets as well as new blood on those websites. I was a regular back in the day and when the servers started to die out. I left T2 for a while; so long that I…