Night Rider
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Thank you Thyth for your continued development.
Very nice Thyth
Thanks for pointing that out Red Shifter... ;) I will fix that. Blackhart I currently run the server with 6 bots and the update from TribesNext
I had made full backup of the original Tribes 2 server install. I just deleted the non working server install & copied over the backed up fresh install. It works now... Pantless-Clan Tribes2 Classic 6 bots 36 slot dedicated Katabatic CTF Thank you all for your help.
nope ... It keeps reverting to server name "Tribes 2 Classic Server" Is this command line correct? Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mission Katabatic CTF -bot 6 -mod Classic
Thank you Thyth I will try your suggestion... ;)
Thank you both for your replies... Blakhart I'm not sure if this is answering your question... I deleted the .dso files but it still over writes to a default ServerPrefs.cs In TCAdmin this is my command line to start the server tribes2.exe -dedicated -serverprefs prefs/ServerPrefs.cs Katabatic CTF -bot 6 -mod Classic Red…
Nice catch .. yes you are correct. So the command line should be this tribes2.exe -dedicated -serverprefs prefs/ServerPrefs.cs Katabatic CTF -bot 6 -mod Classic ?? Strange when I start the server my ServerPrefs.cs /Classic/prefs/ServerPrefs.cs revert to a default condition All my ServerPrefs.cs details are lost ??
Evlesoa, Why insult this community over a couple of ass hats. No matter what game you play, you will find them. Flaming here is not the way man. We do have plenty of people that will help in this community. ::)
All my best to you Panama Jack. I loved using your creations... :)