- person Thalagyrt
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Oh dear. Who let YOU in here? :o I miss talking to you. MSN moar plz. :D
Yep... Still around, been around since about 3 months after T1 released, still amazed that I haven't found any games that I enjoy more than T1 and T2. :D
We're working on it. Things are a bit slow due to work at the moment, however we've decided to do the thing that the mod needed most - rewrite all the code from scratch. It'll take less time than fixing the old codebase, and we're doing some very neat stuff while we're at it... Gameplay will be the same, but we're highly…
It's strange with beacons - it hides the object's marker in the editor but doesn't hide the rendered object... The exact opposite of what happens in every other instance that you use hide().
The server can selectively ghost objects, it seems like this isn't possible with beacons though. I worked up a simple workaround in my own case, which is for showing markers on disabled equipment for the team the equipment belongs to, by using an item with a HUD marker and selectively ghosting it to the entire team. It…
Oddly, that seems limited to certain types. Have you actually tried it with a beacon? It doesn't work. The beacon stays visible when you hide it and functions mostly the same aside from showing up in the editor. The scope commands are entirely ineffective. I was trying to find a way to do something similar with…