- person ZeGuitarist
- alternate_email wnajantlfgysrynelarefers@tz@gmnvyail.pb.com
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That's what I wanted to do, but not just on Goon Haven, but on my own servers as well. I'll give that Evolution mod a try.
^ Indeed. Not that I understood any of that. :-\
Right, so basically I just got the client and server terminology wrong. Thanks for clearing that up. So what I need is the serverside script. Does anyone have it? I mean, it's operational on Goon Haven, so it exists all right...
Update: I posted the same topic on the TribalWar forums when I posted this one, and I got some very different replies there. http://www.tribalwar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=616941 So now I'm not sure if it is or isn't possible to have a script like this. My knowledge of the game (scripting in particular) just isn't…
Weird, because I do get a hit sound in classic on servers I host myself as well, and even in training missions too. Out of interest, if a clientside script can't determine if a shot was a midair hit, how come a serverside script can, then?