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i have support.vl2 I have installed rodenthud properly and it is NOT updating whenever turrets are deployed. Please offer advice.
yeah thats why i put it in quotes that was not from me :p
I downloaded and installed all of those scripts and I lost the icon that turns red whenever im on the enemy sensor network. how do i get it back?
I was just wondering - didnt want to cause panic and you can delete this thread if necessary.
"It doesn't matter what type of people they are. It's fairly cut and dry - IA wants to make profit from people playing Tribes online. Another entity (TribesNext) is providing an avenue for people to play Tribes online despite not having the IP. The next logical step is for IA to shutdown its Tribes related competition…
if instant action owns the intellectual property rights I believe they can shut down Tribesnext but I may be mistaken.
then again its going to be refreshing to play tribes without shocklance and cloak poak ;D
wow so as soon as I pick up t2 and get it fully modded this happens...
in for response .
thanks, im used to chaingun have some good distance in tribes1.
I may have been using error in tactical judgement when trying to cg targets 300+m away
wow those are some bad ass mods/scripts... I am going to be very busy downloading after work tonight hahah... KEEP THEM COMING!!!!
I am also having a little problem with chaingun aiming if you guys have advice on that - it seems like the chaingun is behaving different than I am used to in t1. Sometimes I will mow my targets apart and other times ill miss every shot I am very inconsistent (im not sure how far to lead etc) edit: I remember being a cg…
sounds like great advice as well. My sens is currently at .4 or .04 (its pretty low) for all weapons. should I set it to where it only turns to .04 for sniper? (i think zoom control can do this) I have always been aiming for headshots for maximum damage... why do you suggest against it? (im giong to assume lower chance of…
thank you
I will take a look, thank you.
Thanks for the advice. I would like to talk to you on irc later about more advanced tactics if you wouldnt mind since im adjusting from an offensive to defensive mind set after years of offensive conditioning :) .. whats your irc name i can find you as? I will talk to you / watch demos after work. what gaming mouse do you…
if amazon doesnt have a good price/ bundle, what is a trusted online site to buy from? razor d-back
what type of mouse pad should i use with ti
my brother has a razer and it seemed hyper sensitive to me. I am also very ignorant when it comes to gaming mouses and adjusting out of game sensitivity though...
ok i thought it was hitscan too. can anyone else confirm? I am purchasing an actual gaming mouse today or tomorrow also so this should be good... Thanks for those tips. Any scripts or mods besides zoom control I should know about while sniping?
yep, i want all of that ;D thanks
you are awesome. can you give a very brief summation of what each script does? ( i can guess for a few but still :) ) - everyone else, feel free to add to what you think I am missing and need.
nice reply. for those that dont know : In first-person shooter games, a hitscan weapon is one that, when fired, instantly hits whatever the weapon is pointing at. This is in contrast to projectile weapons, which fire projectiles that take time to travel. I was under the impression that laser rifle was hitscan. knowing that…
i dont have very many sniping hours logged which I am going to fix by sniping more. I was wondering more of the specifics of when the target is flying right - how far do I lead, do I put the xhair above them, straight out in front etc ? sensitivity - i was wondering what sensitivity and I guess now mouse that you guys use…
very nice. keep them coming people!!!!! :) can you go further into writer's support that was not clear to me.
I did not mean to offend. I was just saying steam would be the quickest and easiest way to gain 1000s of players, very quickly.