God is love.
- person cyrusjumpjet
- alternate_email cyrusjuzcwrg@tmpjet@gznvy.pbmail.cozm
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I don't suppose the bigger gaming websites like GameSpy or GameSpot would have any interest in writing short editorials about it?
welcome back!
what blows my mind most about this thread is that "cool shelby" actually knows what dougheu is talking about. at any rate, I hope this nebulous error gets solved for you. please post screenshots or actually describe the error if you'd like help.
I don't think it works on 64-bit Vista either, which is why I can't play FarCry 2 online. /anger
hahahaha..... awesome
well I'm pretty sure the last big patch removed the cd-check. whether it required it before that, I cant remember
Alright, even though this thread is creeping me out, I'll participate. real name is Garrett. 22 years old, student currently studying English with an emphasis on writing, and psychology. My hobbies are writing, photography (love my D80), music, coffee, and *gasp* computers.
that surprises me, seeing as how T2 gives me a devastating error every time I even alt-tab. Then again I am running Vista.... : \
9000? really? that many already? I guess it might make sense since obviously most people won't post to the forums and they won't *all* be on at once. Still though, that would be very impressive at this point for such an old game being revived.
I don't see why not. Tribes 2 is eight years old at this point and it doesnt take much to run it, especially if you turn the settings and resolution down. With what they're able to pack into small computers these days, I'd be really surprised if it couldn't run it.
currently digging on Animal Collective's new album. here's my favorite track from it: Artist: Animal Collective Album: Merriweather Post Pavilion Track: My Girls looks like I may stand alone as a listener of the indie genre here.....
wait, what?
amen! I never join a server if there are bots.
hahaha... I think I remember you, if you're the one who was repeatedly running me over. no problem.. I consider myself a tribes veteran but I'm still definitely not a pro. /embarrassed
just thought I'd say that I love this server. it's typically got loads of people on it. definitely my server of choice.
Medford, OR but currently going to school in Reno, NV
I would agree. And really, it used to piss me off how only very specific maps were played to death despite the abundance of really fantastic official maps being released (Titan, along with many others come to mind). I do think it is a good idea to unify people on a set number of maps though.
I'm a proud T2 vet and also started playing April 2001 (lol). I have to say though, I was never a fan of any of the mods. I felt like it cheapened an already (nearly) perfect formula. Construction seemed like a nice creative addition though. I just heard about this project from a friend and I'd just like to say that I'm…