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Are there seriously over 9000 patches for hi-command or is it just buggy?
Very good job, not enough bomber shots that would've looked awesome but who cares eh. Wish I could've helped out but I only found out recently. Well Tribes Ascend is now in closed beta, so people who pre-ordered or got invitations are playing now, and I'm sure that many of the old T2 players are on there now getting air…
Why must fanboys be this retarded, makes me ashamed to be a Tribes 2 players.
K don't want sound like a douche, but you've never actually bombed before and thought that bombardiers were only there to shoehorn kills? Also even if you could shoot missiles immediately with the tail gunner using a rocket launcher, you have to keep it steady so that it locks on, and on top of the the bomber usually has…
nice man, knew there was still life with all the fan boys we've got here.
good riddance.
Man I remember back when the server list was full of 24/7 katabatic, I can't believe I am about to say this but I wish those days were back. I can't stand going onto goon haven and having to play on some really retarded custom map while everyone is playing scout class and skiing in every direction while 5 defense pack…
have any of you guys played Empires mod? it's an fps/rts, like one player is the commander (birds eye view dude), everyone else is in the first person view and they can build buildings, there are 4 infantry classes and epic shit starts up in really awesome games, and you can build tanks and the commander researches weapons…
this game is really modifiable it's at like quake level of modability, so that wouldn't be something t2 needs, it's gameplay is pretty awesome, the ai are basic enough so that someone can practice when they first play, so adaptability is then good already, and functionallity is fine except for the occasional unhandled…
try out explosive weapons if you want to hit moving targets, spinfuser, grenade launcher, plasma rifle, mortar,
I also have a cd for tribes 2
oh yes heavy base rape, only takes a defense pack and a mortar. Really you just have to do the exact same thing to them.