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yes, exactly like call of duty, although i don't own it . It sounds perfect.
I'll join you
Does this still go on?
Because it would add a new perspective to the Construct gameplay, Humbug, why bother? thats why. :)
Things to create with wheel, Merry Go Round, Ferris Wheel, Roller Coaster, Car and much more. Also, i would like to put in a Sensor, A Track that cooperates with the Wheel, along with a few others to make automatic contraptions, along with user-friendly attractions.
As he stated above due to legal obligations, and possibility or tainted or non original and clean files, you aren't aloud to distribute through this site, however you can still use for personal use.
Can anyone verify that, this program he has placed above is working , not a virus and does not send information to any other place then to me. thanks for the help.
Aww Man this stinks ..... well i dont remember what my old configureation was and i dont have a system checkpoint may just be goodbye from tribes next.... i tried all types of compatability Mode's but nothings working....
No i don't care i will make something better with a Team of More Successful people. Although Acession looks cool and i lost the chance of grabbing Keen as a scripter as i saw him as one on there. i will still hopefully achieve my goal of finding a team. Currently Looking for - (in list form) 1- Scripter 2- Coder 3- Lvl…
There is also a Compatibility mod for google Sketchup to export them into It.
I know weve got lots of talent sitting around this place. We Need The Following Modeler , Artist , Texture Artist , Scripter , Coder Already have a buddy that said if i get a team he makes me a website and a Forum board Skin , he just asks that if the game is paid he gets a free copy.
Sounds like they Made the Failure before it was even Thought of.
Ill play it.
Seems like tribes vengence could be a very cool game if you know the Code well enough. Its highly mod-able and its got nice graphics. you could easyilly make a nice mod for it within 2-3 months. i make take a swing at it. it seems it could do well and add some cool things. maybe even use it physics engine to my advantage…
ehem i can model some such stuff
there was supposed to be a 3rd tribes game to Keep The series and it was never finished.
This game mode seems very cool but the maps the maps seem to small. It takes 2 seconds to go from 1 end to the other. Rendering it pointless you at least need the map to be 500 KM from Base to Base to give the teams some area to hide it and i would support it. for the Downloads i think anyone who say it would download it.…
Well Actually i could do a bit of 3d modeling in my spare time as for the artwork im only half decent for textures , other such stuff i can model with 1 of 2 programs GoogleSketchup 7 Pro or 3ds Max 9 By AutoDesk both of which can make models of any size and fit them in any shape. now as for the fact of creating a team i…
1- I Could do The 3D Modeling - I am very good with the program 2- I Can Do Some decent artwork and know many friends who can create crazy graphics at my needs. 3- I would need a team for scripting/coding/ more graphics/modelers 4- if it happened it would be the best mod of the game ever
Hey how come when you go to program files and you look at a game say tribes you see file extensions then? although i running Windows Home Premuim or something sp2 or 3 or whatever. i just use Winrar for my file extensions but there are many other archivers Winrar is safe and has nice built in features yet. Izarc archiver…
Another way you could do this is to just download a trail of Izarc Archiver it includes almost any file format you should ever need to handle and works like a charm!