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I looked at the mod, its dso only, so if you run the dso batch file, you may be deleting the mod dso's.. Its a shame the guys who made this mod never finally released it with the .cs files..
Its a game they are making that has jet packs, vehicles, turrets, the same old copied tribes stuff. The name is already used, so they may need to change it...
They could, but it wont stop online play, their is second alternate master server script.
I still have all the versions, if anyone's interested. My skill in coding, has gotten much better, maybe I will update the war2003, mod, if people start playing it again... My old tribes2 database of files! My tribes2, ultimate site, a better looking tribes2, that includes all…
If you call 25 active players, a community, yes.. The devs are still working on the game at-least...
The pick is from Legions Overdrive, its a tribes inspired game... I made a big mod for it, that's based in part on Meltdown2.. More screenshots... Legions Overdrive, download
Tribes2-Ultimate, is my custom tribes2 install, includes most all map-packs, custom maps, voice-packs, and good client scripts. I also replaced/updated many the ugly tribes2, skyboxs, terrain textures. This is compatible, meaning you can play on regular tribes2 servers.. But if a server runs Tribes2-Ultimate, all players…
I wanted it for my environment area-based explosion as in my last post.. The seeking projectile has the same issue.. I will just half to forget about it for those 2 projectile types..
Here are some pics of my new effects for my chainguns.. Still need to make the cement one nicer... Snow Dirt Cement
Thanks Krash, that worked great dude..
I just got to replace the vulcano emmitter textures with base types. You can set your video vissable distance to about 50% that seems to work nicely.. Todays new cards should not lag at all.. When i made this map and my new Lavadance, map, I was making it for my Tribes2_Ultimate only, but decided to share it here just to…
I forgot to mention, if you put this map on your server, all players must have it, even if the server is not currently running this map, Because the data for the custom lava emitters will be loaded after the map is played. That is one of the problems when running custom maps, that have new data that uses new static shapes,…
Wow, nice to see that some one is still interested in my old mods.. I have a Havoc2 mod, that has mechs and cool stuff I never posted.. If any ones interested, I will upload it...
Legions overdrive is better, even with out vehicles... The Dev, team is awasom young talented bunch.. big updates are coming, inventory deployables system.
Lol. I found out the coustom skins showed up in death match.. :'( I had to chenge this line in defaultgame.cs, ever place i fount it.. Now coustom skins, work in ctf... change this from setTargetSkin(, %game.getTeamSkin( ); change this to // set player's skin pref here…
I also tested vl2 skin packs i found, and placed them in the base folder.. none of them show up in the game as you play.. they only show up in the player setup area.. I tested this on 2 different tribes2 installs on my PC... I am sort of experience at modding tribes2, and know this should work.. I will know for sure after…
Hi, I have been creating a large client pack, from all the files I can find. witch includes 50+ player skins, models, and more.. For some stuped reason I cant get the new player skins to show up in the game as I play and host after picking a skin from the player setup... I am getting frustrated help? ::)…
3 replace every thing in the mine.cs with this... // ----------------------------------------------// mine script// ----------------------------------------------$TeamDeployableMax[MineDeployed] = 25; // z0dd - ZOD, 6/10/02. Was 20.// ----------------------------------------------// force-feedback datablocks//…
Here is the code to make them team friendly... Credit goes to the Havoc2 mod creaters.. 1 add this to your serverDefaults.cs and prefs.cs $Host::TeamFriendlyMines = 1; 2 replace every function for the mine in the weapTurretCode.cs with this... // ----------------------------------------------// mine functions//…
Thanks for the reply man... I found out it was my old install of tribes2 and only me that was getting a lost connection on my server.. did a clean install every thing is fine now.. My server is T2Legions Dev...
after uploding the patched files, the server shows up in the tribesnext list. but it disconnects players about 40 secs, after spawning.. ::) I even uploaded all the patched files from my tribes2 GameData, to the new server, except the sub folders. I uploaded T2csri.vl2, after to the base folder.. H E L P…
I have the source for most versions.. Contact me over at or message me here.
- War2003 DSA Build - 4-1-04 Client pack
Keen, has coded so many versions of MD2. I think he is on crack..
I am bored, and decided to code in some basic deployables to run on Hybrids SS2845 test server. I could care less about people calling it misguided work.
That function works now in the game as a booster for the players. I changed my setting for it to this, witch allows for endless boosting in any direction the player wants. Never going to be smooth as real jetting. I don't think there is code in the engine for a real jet pack for players, so No. With some more adjusting, it…
My new deployable turrets for my SS2845 test mod. :o I love the turret design in SS2845. If any one is able to put up a dedicated server for SS2845. I would be willing to share my test mod, and keep modding this game if people played on it. I can also code in deployable stations, teleporter pads, and much more no problem.…
Those features are not complete.. If we had a didicated server up.. The CTF game would be a lot of fun. You can select 5 pre configered mechs, at an vehicle inventory station. There are 2 types of air vehicle to use. 1 ground vehicle..
Unfortunately no You can still buy mechs and vehicles at a vehicle inventory station in game. Just stand next to a vehicle inventory station, press the F key.. then press the C key as you stand next to a vehicle or mech.. I posted a little mod on my website for this game cheek it out..…
I will play...