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I've never had a problem with any of these weapons save the mine-disk. I remember the old days dueling on T1 when mine-disking wasn't nearly as effective because of the lack of a full-power throw button. Duels could last up to a minute between two lights. Now most duels seem to be over before they begin, because whoever…
This is implausible. No company would pay money for advertisments on a map, and the maps in question would be client side because of the custom graphics. Furthermore as we are using Tribes 2 to aquire profit for ourselves through reverse engineering or inserting advertisements, I don't think we'd stay in the legal white.
I recruited two more today.
I think that was me. Nikov, wasn't it? As in NikovK, the mapper for PR a few years back? Nice to have you.
1. No viable casual play server. Someone needs to make a BASE server called ROOKIES AND NEWBLOODS and keep it bot-free. I say base because its much slower than Classic and thus much easier to learn. Presently new players go to Goons, get slaughtered, and quit. I'm quite sure this is the problem. 2. No New Players Forum We…
I read ghetto as goth, and was thusly quite disappointed and confused.
Seriously, a YouTube video has the same potential for viewership as a broadcast TV advertisment. I strongly recommend a large trailer. In the meantime, a lot of people still view Tribes related videos. Check those out and post links back here in the comments. I also recommend the major gamer comic forums and possibly even…
When I'm cloaked, I try to make my approach and all my maneuvers as if I'm just sneaking in plain as day. The cloak is a crutch for stealth, not a wheelchair. You can't lean on it exclusively.
I think this comes down to that classic/base debate, doesn't it?
I'd be interested in joining a casual tribe to be pit against another casual tribe in a series of casual battles for the sake of noob acclimation and community. Wy hat thar bay a ideer. Tribes for noobs. Like training companies in the USMC.
It chaps my ass that competition and casual play are on the same mod and server. -EDIT- And in afterthought, there's not much to do to solve this problem, although I feel we should.
I am interested in hearing this point elaborated upon. In my experience, cappers are stopped with an effective midfield disrupting the approach, point defense on the flag, and light defense and midfielders chasing down the capper. Minedisking as I understand it (throwing a mine and shooting it with the disclauncher to…
"When Novemember Died" refers to Starsiege: Tribes' November 31st release date. It was the end of November 1998. By referring to the date as a death it sets the somber tone of the poem and helps transmit a nostalgic, almost mournful tone. Lern2reedPoeticLiscense kthxbai. (also JK)
Chaps; People who teamkill, cheat, grief, and otherwise engage in counter-community behavior in a 'dying' game. There's like, two hundred players. Don't piss -anyone- into not playing. People who actually consider it a dying game, and yet take for granted it will be here next month. Either think its dying and perform some…
Only if by people you mean hundreds and some you mean several active servers a night, then yes. If by people you mean eight guys living with their parents and some you mean once a week, then no.
I'm starting to find that the shocklance is my favorite weapon. Half the time I run into someone, either surprising them or just cresting a hill or turning a corner, their back is to me. Zap, instant kill and an almost assured health kit. Whenever I manage to slip behind a HO skiing toward my base, the shocklance…
I really appreciate those of you who took the time to pay a compliment, and also appreciate those who bit their tongues.
First, familiarize yourself with how the quick-change inventory system works. Numpad numbers give you a loadout, enter lets you select specifics. Don't forget to save. Secondly, get a loadout with an energy pack, a chaingun, a disk launcher, and a grenade launcher. This is all you are going to use for a week. Start by…
My dear mother, 50 years or so old, refers to new hires to her company as newbies.
Sensor jammer pack, targeting laser and a big fat friend.
It was meant to be an ABCB scheme, so I changed fray to hills to keep from confusing readers. I make no presumptions of skill at this. I never took a poetry class (seriously) in my life. I was just inspired one night after playing Tribes in December 08 and slammed this out in about an hour.