- person xionc
- alternate_email xionc89@tlen.pl
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
I don't like this kind of design, it makes me feel like "i know where it would be going", won't pay a cent.
It seems like that's it. Thanks for your input.
Still doesn't work, and changing bit depth didn't impact on fps that much, i rather don't see significant difference.
I've enable Vsync in ATI-Tray-Tools and in game too. I'm also runing RefreshLock (ver 2.21). My card driver is Omega 2.6.83. from 'clientprefs.cs':$pref::Video::allowD3D = "1";$pref::Video::allowOpenGL = "1";$pref::Video::appliedPref = "1";$pref::Video::clipHigh = "0";$pref::Video::defaultsRenderer = "RADEON 9600 XT…
I can't enable VSync, I've tried do so in game, ati tray tools, etc. Still can't enable it. Could you help me?
There are some euros around, sadly less active than a couple months ago they were, but sill playing and can be catch up often.
- "A Thread for Newbie Players" - many newbies posting
Will anticheat block mine-on-death cheat?
Firstly go here: http://goonhaven.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=7 Secondly, your ban lasts 5 or 15 mins, if it was just votekick. btw i rather doubt that it was "no reason", many players do something wrong, don't read chat, disrupt own team, etc. and think it is ok.
It is not problem about being honest. Way to be objective is not just to be honest.
Self evaluation is a shit.
no, no, no Don't use interpolate script if you haven't need for that, it would just make movement more shaky and not comfortable to aim. And try to practice on players instead on bots - it's totally different.
and chase targets, to gain as much as possible equal velocity vector
I'd say it's the main part of aiming. Just try to by higher than enemy, especially outdoors.
Practice first. The only "trick" would be interpolate script, but since you haven't large ping, its not necessary at beggining - it would annoy you rather than help right now. As you wrote, you try to stop and aim, wich is usually wrong. It's better to get in air and then shoot at enemy on ground. It's much easier to hit…
I've downloaded freehuds.vl2, and have another questions: How to make bars extending from right to left (reverse), and how to change size of bars (just bars, not bitmaps). I can change it's opacity and colour, but still can't change its size or direction of extend. Extending from center to borders, or vertical or even…
2 things: Tell me how to edit HUD like You have in this video, and are these terrain textures allowed? If You can, make a video about total newbiesh things, like how connect to the server, how to use weapons, how to change armour, why I'm getting owned, etc, etc.
Have compass instead.
I wonder, why textures are filled with lots of alpha? I want to do my own, how to do it?
Max fps I get in open areas (without other models rendered at moment) is around 110-180. In spammy moments fps sometimes drop below 30, on Hostile Loch sometimes it is 20 or less (but its rather a shitmap issue). Also, what you mean posting "300fps unlocked"? I have no multithread CPU now, just old P4, so it wouldn't make…
9700 runs on R300 chipset, wich I'm using now. I would be pleased if you could post how exactly this script works, and post some scripts/prefs that improove performance.
Although I'm not using AA, I checked this script, and it makes Tribes to behave strange (menu and CC began to warp), but I've recived little fps boost. Why?