- person OGRE
- alternate_email ogreoetl@trgy@gznvy.mail.pbzcom
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Yeah man, Houston Vehicles was the place to play. Good times.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/goldenfiles/files/loki_patch-fix/0.1/ https://www.libsdl.org/projects/tribes2/release/ http://www.the-construct.net/downloads/tribes2/etc/
Hear hear! Thank you Thyth
Have a read through this thread: http://www.tribesnext.com/forum/index.php?topic=2095.0 Good Luck!
Try now. http://www.tribesnext.com/forum/index.php?topic=3525.msg28185#msg28185
kiss, try here: http://www.t2forums.com/index.php Be warned, a thin skin like yours is going to get shredded there.
I tried and tried but never was able to truly embrace COD:TA. Oh well.
This is why I preferred T2 Base game play on Vehicles servers. Whole team coordination was essential to avoid an asswhipping, much less win. The glorious sight of a couple of inbound havocs full of jugs with shrike escort really got the blood pumping for a little old farmer like me. Anymore all we have left is one server…
Chicken butt.
Welcome to 2004. MTV still sucked.
GH isn't a Base server running mostly vehicle-centric maps, so it wouldn't be the same thing, would it?
You said you just put this new adapter in, what were you using before? Are you running the wireless management software that came with the wireless NIC or are you relying on Windows Wireless Zero Configuration Service (yuck)?
Fairly amusing. And quite a few grains of truth sprinkled around, especially in the Mod descriptions. :D
Hmmm, that thread was locked, likely to end the pointless flaming. Terrortoes opens a new thread to continue the pointless flaming. Suspendable offense? I'm just sayin' :D
Terror Toes is broken?
Right, Classic is not Tribes 2. As I said, if you want to play Tribes 2, find some friends and start filling a Base server. If you want to play Tribes, go play Tribes (or that Classic mod on Tribes 2).
Unfortunately, the only continuously heavily populated server is GoonHaven, which runs the Classic mod. As you're a fan of T2 Base like me, you have to track down some others and coordinate a time to fill one of the Base servers. [flame suit on]
lol funny BassTroll is funny lol If anything, the wow64 emulation platform is a security hole, not a layer of protection. That said, I've been using MSE for all my side work.
lulz The Onion still brings teh funny every now and then.
Concur. Heavies are supposed to need a ride.
And away we go... ;)
Ah, Mature Asskickers. Good games with good admins. [nostalgic]
Hey now, common sense talk like that doesn't play around here! :D Seriously, I agree wholeheartedly. If you like a particular mod, more power to you. I prefer a slower, more vehicle-centric and teamwork oriented game of base myself (alas those days appear to be long gone), but a quick match of classic or v2 is a nice…
If you had $300 to spare, the Matrox TripleHead2Go box does this. You plug it into your vid card and it presents itself as a single monitor of whatever res you specify, then splits the video signal out to the three monitors. I seem to recall it even has a feature to adjust the image to allow for different bezel widths and…
No music, the better to hear cloakers and TS chatter.
You're quite welcome. BTW, your sig makes me smile.
You give that fellow too much credit, methinks, credit he'd be happy to take as well.